The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He was gaunt and shagged, with a ewe neck and a head like a hammer; his rusty mane and tail were tangled and knotted with burrs; one eye had lost its pupil, and was glaring and spectral; but the other had the gleam of a genuine devil in it. (1.34)

A silly-looking horse for a silly-looking guy. Is this a jab at Ichabod? (Speaking of humans looking like their animals, your day is about to be made.)

Quote #8

Old Baltus Van Tassel moved about among his guests with a face dilated with content and good humor, round and jolly as the harvest moon. (1.45)

Irving obviously believes the old myth that all fat people are jolly. Not quite true, but Old Baltus is happy to oblige.