The Left Hand of Darkness Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I thought of you as one above politics, free to come and go. I did not stop to think that you have, of course, your own politics." (8.31)

Well, duh. Everyone has his own politics. And when you don't stop to consider the fact, arguments and miscommunication are in-bound big time.

Quote #5

In this curious lack of distinction between the general and specific applications of the word [commensals], in the use of it for both the whole and the part, the state and the individual, in this imprecision is its precisest meaning. (8.48)

The state and the individual do share a common ground, but when the two are confused as one, bad things are going to happen. Just look at Orgoreyn. Yeah, no thank you to that place.

Quote #6

Therefore those that call upon the darkness are made fools of and spat out from the mouth of Meshe, for they name what is not, calling it Source and End. (12.12)

Here, religion and politics intertwine, and not in a good way. The Orgoreyn use their religion as a means to drive a wedge between themselves and the people who practice Handdara, namely Karhide.