Lady Chatterley's Lover Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it. Believe me!" And she took another sip of brandy, which maybe was her form of repentance. (7.29)

Clifford's Aunt Eva advises Connie to live her life freely. This is a case of "do-as-I-say," since the implication here is that Aunt Eva uses brandy to drown her sorrows at not having lived.

Quote #5

She was not even free, for Clifford must have her there. (10.5)

Clifford has trapped Connie at Wragby just like some fairy-tale ogre. He freaks out if she leaves—not because he actually needs her for anything, but more because he wants to feel like he's in control. (He's not.)

Quote #6

"But Clifford, you make eternity sound like a lid or a long, long chain that trailed after one, no matter how far one went." (11.140)

Yeah, "until death do us part" is a long time—too long for Connie. It's almost as though she shouldn't break up with Clifford just to jump into another relationship…