Kramer vs. Kramer Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Kramer vs. Kramer.

Quote #7

BILLY: Dad, are you ever gonna get remarried?

TED: I don't know. I hadn't thought about it.

BILLY: Are you ever gonna remarry to Phyllis?

TED: No. We're just good friends.

BILLY: Oh. Are you and Mom ever gonna get remarried?

TED: No, Mommy and me will never be remarried.

BILLY: I bet if she saw this [Ted's new office] she'd remarry you.

If only it were that simple, Billy.

Quote #8

JOANNA: I was not a failure.

SHAUNESSY: Oh? What do you call it then, a success? The marriage ended in divorce.

JOANNA: I consider it less my failure than his.

SHAUNESSY: Congratulations, Mrs. Kramer, you've just rewritten matrimonial law. You were both divorced.

Shaunessy's right. They were both divorced, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they were equally to blame for the demise of the marriage.

Quote #9

SHAUNESSY Your honor, I would like to ask what this model of stability and respectability has ever succeeded at. Were you a failure at the one more important personal relationship in your life?

JOANNA: It did not succeed.

SHAUNESSY: Not "it," Mrs. Kramer, you. Were you a failure at the one most important relationship in your life? Were you?!

Ted shakes his head at Joanna and mouths "No." Joanna smiles weakly and mouths "Yes."

ATKINS: Is that a "yes," Mrs. Kramer?

Joanna nods.

SHAUNESSY: No further questions.

Shaunessy's trying to get Joanna to take more responsibility for the end of their marriage here. Even though it would help his case, Ted's not having it. He now understands that most of the blame for their marriage falling apart is his. That doesn't mean he thinks Joanna should be awarded custody of Billy, but it does mean he's evolved.