Innocence Quotes in The Kite Runner

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Because – " he [Sohrab] said, gasping and hitching between sobs, "because I don't want them to see me...I'm so dirty." He sucked in his breath and let it out in a long, wheezy cry. "I'm so dirty and full of sin."

[Amir:] "You're not dirty, Sohrab," I said.

[Sohrab:] "Those men – "

[Amir:] "You're not dirty at all."

[Sohrab:] " – they did things...the bad man and the other two...they did things...did things to me."

[Amir:] "You're not dirty, and you're not full of sin." I touched his arm again and he drew away. (24.87-92)

Although Sohrab misses his father and mother (and grandmother), he admits he doesn't want to see them. Or, rather, them to see him. All the terrible things Assef and the guards did to him has made him feel "dirty" and guilty. Sohrab's father, Hassan, seems like the most lovable guy in the world. Hassan does, however, hide his tragedy from others, compounding Amir's guilt. How does Amir hide the fact that he abandoned Hassan? Does Baba hide anything? What about Soraya? Why do all these characters hide so much? Will Sohrab, like them, hide his tragic experience?