The Kite Runner Chapter 20 Quotes

The Kite Runner Chapter 20 Quotes

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Quote 4

We found the new orphanage in the northern part of Karteh-Seh, along the banks of the dried-up Kabul River. It was a flat, barracks-style building with splintered walls and windows boarded with planks of wood. Farid had told me on the way there that Karteh-Seh had been one of the most war-ravaged neighborhoods in Kabul, and, as we stepped out of the truck, the evidence was overwhelming. The cratered streets were flanked by little more than ruins of shelled buildings and abandoned homes. We passed the rusted skeleton of an overturned car, a TV set with no screen half-buried in rubble, a wall with the words ZENDA BAD TALIBAN! (Long live the Taliban!) sprayed in black. (20.68)

War's influence is everywhere. Even the orphanage has turned into a "barracks-style building." Nobody's living in the homes in Karteh-Seh either. Perhaps most telling, though, is the smashed TV near the wall with "Long live the Taliban!" spray-painted on it. In the book, TVs are markers of prosperity and American influence. Amir promises Hassan he'll buy him a TV when they grow up; Amir also tells Sohrab American TVs have 500 channels. But here's a TV, smashed, and near graffiti promoting a totalitarian regime.