What's Up With the Ending?

What's Up With the Ending?

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth

After Dennis Nedry shuts down the electricity and the storm hits, bits and pieces of the island start to fall one by one. The fences come down, paddocks are destroyed, power stations are overrun by raptors. The only remaining place for safety is the visitor's center…

But it doesn't remain safe for long. After fleeing raptors and hacking into computers, our heroes find themselves dangling from the giant dinosaur skeleton hanging from the ceiling. But that's not safe either (go figure). Raptors jump on and the dinosaur skeleton crashes to the ground, much like John Hammond's dreams for having a successful theme park.

Strangely, our humans are saved from the raptors by a T. rex, though we doubt the T. rex does it on purpose. After all, it did try to kill them earlier. Maybe raptors are really tasty. Taking advantage of the distraction, the humans run and flee the park. The T. rex roars, knocking down a banner that says "WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH." Yep, the humans definitely lost this battle. T. rex 1, humans -5.

So Grant quips to Hammond, "After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park." And Hammond, expressing some common sense for the first time ever says, "So have I." Finally. They board a helicopter and literally fly into the sunset.

Grant watches some birds flying near the helicopter. Remember how he compared dinosaurs to birds? We need a thought bubble here where he thinks, "At least these birds won't eat us!"

So Jurassic Park, the park, is a big failure. Five people were killed, but six people escaped, so yay humans? They're all relieved to be safe… at least until the sequels.