Jurassic Park Scene 16 Summary

  • Trapped in the vehicles, Grant checks all the radios, but none work.
  • Tim finds night vision goggles underneath the seat and puts them on.
  • But he doesn't need night vision goggles to hear the rumbling that's getting closer…
  • He crawls to the front of the vehicle, where he sees a glass of water on the dashboard ripple.
  • The attorney suggests it's the power trying to come back on, but even he doesn't believe that.
  • And, um, where did the goat go?
  • A bloody goat leg lands on the roof of the car—yuck—and here comes the T. rex, swallowing the rest of the goat whole.
  • The attorney runs away, leaving the kids behind, and hides in a nearby bathroom stall.
  • Snap, snap, snap, the not-so-secure security cables come down one by one, and the T. rex stomps its way out onto the roar…er…onto the road. The roaring is scary.
  • Grant tells Malcolm to keep still: "Its vision is based on movement."
  • Lex didn't read that memo, so she starts shining a light at the thing for some reason, luring it to their vehicle.
  • It nudges the side of the SUV, trying to flip it over.
  • That doesn't work, so it smashes right through the top of the car to try to get to its gooey center, i.e., the screaming kids.
  • The T. rex rolls the car over and stomps on it as the kids scream for help.
  • Finally, Dr. Grant decides to try to do something, so he grabs a flare out of the back of his vehicle and uses it to lure the dinosaur away.
  • He throws it into the pen, but then Dr. Malcolm, thinking he's helping, lights another and runs.
  • The T. rex knocks him into the bathroom, where the attorney is hiding on the toilet.
  • Chomp—the T. rex snaps him right off the john and eats him.
  • Grant pulls the kids from under the vehicle.
  • Covered in mud, Lex screams as the T. rex returns for dessert.
  • Grant tells her not to move because the T. rex can't see them if they're still.
  • It works, but the T. rex can see the car (which isn't moving) and it spins the car around, trying to get to Tim (who is also not moving).
  • Lex and Grant escape by rappelling over the edge of the pen on a cable.
  • They swing out of the way just in time for the car (with Tim inside) to fall, narrowly missing them and crashing into a tree below.