Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I just said the dinosaur is wrong, that's all." (3.19.49)

Tim is something of a dinosaur expert. If a museum has put together a dinosaur skeleton and made a mistake in the construction, Tim will see the mistake straight away. Now, if even a kid can spot mistakes that experts should be catching…

Quote #5

Grant looked at all the computer monitors in the darkened control room, feeling irritable. Grant didn't like computers. (3.20.127)

Grant is a smart guy, an expert in his field, but when it's crisis time and someone needs to work the computers in the control room, Grant is not your geek squad operative. Being an expert in one field doesn't make you an expert in another, and all that narrow specialization can lead people to lose sight of the big picture.

Quote #6

"We don't know why." (3.24.15)

Translation: we don't know what we're doing. Considering how often this sentence is said by the people working for Hammond, you'd think they'd be better prepared for the end of their little island world.