Technology and Modernization Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But then the dinosaurs wouldn't be real."

"But they're not real now." (3.21.31-2)

Unlike Wu, Hammond has a romantic notion that the dinosaurs they've constructed are the real deal. Wu tries to explain to him that they're really not. They're alive, or course, and close to the long extinct animals, but they're not the same things that walked the earth millions of years ago. Even on a genetic level, they're not exactly the same.

Quote #8

… a CD-ROM; that was a laser disk player controlled by a computer. (3.23.10)

Sorry, we couldn't resist. How long until readers of Jurassic Park don't know what a CD-ROM is because the devices are extinct technology?

Quote #9

"We're dealing with living systems, after all. This is life, not computer models." (4.41.30)

Arnold also misses the fact that the life they've created on the island isn't real life—it's an artificial and technological system.