Science Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The foundation has spent seven million dollars on amber." (2.6.55)

Hammond has obtained his dinosaur DNA by extracting it from blood-sucking insects caught in tree sap, which then turned to amber and preserved them for millions of years. As far as we know, no one in real life has tried this, but part of the appeal of Crichton's work is that it all seems so scientifically plausible. Hey, Crichton's not going to go criticizing scientists without showing us that he's smart enough to make a solid critique.

Quote #5

"The animals kept here are never to mix with the greater ecosystems of earth."

"Such isolation is impossible." (3.18.28-30)

The scientists working at Jurassic Park (Wu in this case) are, surprisingly enough, not very scientifically minded. Wu is making prehistoric animals, but he doesn't know many of the basics of animal behavior. The key motive at Jurassic Park is profit, not science.

Quote #6

Alan Grant was one of the principal advocates of the theory that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. (3.19.16)

Crichton makes his novel more believable by incorporating real scientific theories and debates into the story. Without the science, Crichton's critique might have fallen flat, but by showing us realistic dangers, we tend to understand his point.