Power Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You're not going to shut me down, Donald—" (3.18.44)

Hammond has taken calculated steps to reduce and limit the power others have over him, but he can't take away every threat. He knows deep down that he's not invincible.

Quote #5

"These animals are genetically engineered to be unable to survive in the real world. They can only live here in Jurassic Park. They are not free at all. They are essentially our prisoners." (3.20.32)

It's fitting that Wu likens Jurassic Park to a prison. He and the others at the park have attempted to build a system that gives them power over their animal creations. For the park to work, they must exercise power over nature… but nature fights back. The prison is overrun, and the inmates escape and survive.

Quote #6

Saying these complicated names was a way of exerting power over the giants, a way of being in control. (3.20.58)

Hammond and his team aren't the only ones seeking control over dinosaurs. Grant believes that, for children, dinosaurs represent the "uncontrollable forces of looming authority," and being able to say the names of dinosaurs is a way that kids respond to this authority.