The Joy Luck Club Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She become so thin now you cannot see her," says my mother. "She like a ghost, disappear." (III.1.94)

Ying-ying further draws out the similarities between herself and her daughter; like Ying-ying, Lena is transforming into a ghost because she is allowing her true self to be suppressed, never speaking up for herself.

Quote #5

And looking at the coat in the mirror, I couldn’t fend off the strength of her will anymore, her ability to make me see black where there was once white, white where there was once black. The coat looked shabby, an imitation of romance. (III.2.34)

Lindo has the power to transform Waverly’s perceptions through her criticisms.

Quote #6

And even if I recognized her strategy, her sneak attack, I was afraid that some unseen speck of truth would fly into my eye, blur what I was seeing and transform him from the divine man I thought he was into someone quite mundane, mortally wounded with tiresome habits and irritating imperfections. (III.2.72)

Waverly is afraid Lindo will transform Rich into an ordinary man through criticisms.