One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph). We used H.T. Willetts's translation.

Quote #4

Easy money had no weight: you didn't feel you'd earned it. What you get for a song you won't have for long, the old folks used to say, and they were right. (233)

Shukhov's work ethic is one of the most important aspects of his character, and we get an early hint of how he approaches work before we get to the actual work day.

Quote #5

The scavenger gave a nasty little snigger - half his teeth were missing - and said: "Just you wait, Captain, when you've been inside eight years, you'll be doing the same yourself."

True enough, in its time the camp had seen off prouder people than Buynovsky. (265-6)

This idea of pride is an important one in the text. We see lots of different kinds of pride. Some pride is a good thing, but too much pride and stubbornness can be dangerous, as Buynovsky reveals.

Quote #6

"People are getting their throats cut in bed. And he says it's more peaceful!"

Pavlo raised a threatening finger at Fetyukov. "Stoolies, not people!" (393-4)

We get a couple of hints of the prisoners' moral code in the book, but this is the most definite statement. Pavlo considers good prisoners "people," implying that snitches and guards are not. Shukhov agrees with this sentiment – when he is mopping the floor he mentions good work should only be done for "human beings." (Check out that Quote in the "Rules and Order" quote section.)