One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph). We used H.T. Willetts's translation.

Quote #10

I saw some young riffraf sitting around a tar boiler. I sat down by them and said, "Listen [...] take my little brother as an apprentice, teach him how to live!" They took him [...] I now wish I'd joined the band of thieves myself."

"And you never saw your brother again?" the captain asked.

Tyurin yawned. "No, I never did." (528-30)

Tyurin's family story really demonstrates how many families were broken apart in Soviet Russia, and especially by the gulag system.

Quote #11

Tsezar came back. Shukhov lowered the bag to him.

Now Alyoshka was back. He had no sense at all, Alyoshka, never earned a thing, but did favors for everybody.

"Here you are, Alyoshka!" Shukhov handed him one biscuit.

Alyoshka was all smiles. "Thank you! You won't have any for yourself!"

"Eat it!" (1222-5)

Shukhov's act of kindness towards Alyoshka is a bit like an older sibling looking out for a younger one. For all the cutthroat competition, Gang 104 still has their kind and even affectionate moments.