It Happened One Night Scene 28 Summary

  • Back in the cabin, Peter tells Ellie that she'll be in the arms of her husband the next day.
  • Ellie asks Peter whether they'll see each other back in New York; Peter says no.
  • Then Ellie asks if Peter's ever been in love. Again, Peter says no, but he admits he's thought about settling down if he finds "the right sort of girl": "The sort of girl who'd jump into the surf with me on moonlit nights—and love it as much as I did."
  • Ellie says she wants to be that girl, declares her love for Peter, and then breaks down crying.
  • Peter points out that Ellie's already married, but Ellie says she doesn't care.
  • Peter then tells Ellie she should go back to bed.
  • Peter thinks for a while, then asks Ellie if she meant what she said—but by this point, she has cried herself to sleep.
  • Peter gets an idea and leaves the cabin, taking his suitcase with him.