It Happened One Night Scene 1 Summary

  • On a small cruise ship sailing calm and sunny waters, we learn that Ellie Andrews is on a hunger strike.
  • Ellie's refusing her meals, and the ship's whole crew is afraid of her.
  • Ellie father, the obviously wealthy Alexander Andrews, decides to confront her himself.
  • Ellie still refuses to eat and angrily explains to her father that she won't eat anything until he quits "running her life" and lets her be with the man she has already married: King Westley.
  • Andrews calls King Westley a fool and says Ellie's made a mistake by marrying him.
  • Ellie accuses Andrews of holding her prisoner and reminds him that he abducted her "outside the justice of the peace." Apparently, her own father has kidnapped her.
  • Andrews says that he's taking Ellie to South America and that as soon as the crew can get some supplies on board, they'll leave Miami.
  • Andrews says Ellie should get her marriage annulled. He calls King Westley, her new husband, "a fake" and says that she's married him just to upset her old dad.
  • Ellie says that King's not a businessman, like Andrews, but that at least he has "accomplished something worthwhile," rather than only accumulate money.
  • Ellie gets so angry that she jumps off the boat, disappearing from view.
  • Andrews sends out a message to a detective agency: "Daughter escaped again." He says that he wants her back "at all costs!"