The Invisible Man Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Kemp's proclamation—signed indeed by Adye—was posted over almost the whole district by four or five o'clock in the afternoon. (26.4)

Here's another way that visible people have power: they can organize against the single Invisible Man who threatens them. We like that this quote combines the power of science and knowledge (Kemp) with the power of the police (Adye). Kemp knows what to do and tells people, but the proclamation only has power because the police back it. Way to go, po-po.

Quote #8

In the night, he must have eaten and slept; for in the morning he was himself again, active, powerful, angry, and malignant, prepared for his last great struggle against the world. (26.12)

We often think of the Invisible Man's power as being almost supernatural, but we're often reminded that his power requires some very natural things (like, say, science equipment). In this case, it doesn't matter if he's invisible; what matters is that he slept and ate. Simple as that.

Quote #9

Kemp suddenly grasped the altered condition of the chase. He stopped, and looked round, panting. "He's close here!" he cried. "Form a line across—" (28.12)

One of the reasons why we're interested in power in this book is because it seems to shift so easily. The Invisible Man is a powerless oppressed student-teacher. Then he's a powerful arsonist. Then he's powerless in the London crowds. Then…well, you get the point. Here, the Invisible Man goes from hunting Kemp (powerful) to being hunted by the people (powerless). Power isn't very stable, it seems.