Perseverance Quotes in Into Thin Air

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Fischer simply referred to his affliction as a "liver cyst," told few people about it, and tried to pretend that it was nothing to worry about. (15.16)

Once again, Fischer is too focused on his goals to worry about silly things like physical health. As we see atop Everest, however, you can only do that for so long until you're left running on fumes—or worse. Sadly, Fischer learns this lesson the hard way.

Quote #8

It doesn't seem far-fetched to speculate that because Hall had talked Hansen into coming back to Everest, it would have been especially hard for him to deny Hansen the summit a second time. (17.10)

This is a tough one. On one hand, it's quite admirable that Hall cares so deeply for his clients, even cutting Hansen a deal so he could afford a second expedition. On the other hand, an experienced guide like Hall should have known that they were diving into dangerous waters. As with most things in Into Thin Air, however, we're left with more questions than answers.

Quote #9

One of the Ladakhis was "apparently close to death," the other crouching in the snow. No words were passed. No water, food, or oxygen exchanged hands. (18.10)

This right here is determination in its ugliest form. While it's great to work hard to achieve a goal, that goal isn't worth squat if you step over others (in this case, literally) to reach it. Would it really have taken that much time to send a radio message down to Base Camp?