Rules Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We have to follow protocol," the younger man says. (6.33)

The way the Amity repeat this over and over as a chant is kind of creepy. Is blind allegiance to rules honorable or strange? How do these rules determine who is loyal and who is a traitor?

Quote #5

"I think a mistake the Dauntless make is refusing to be cunning," I say. "You don't always have to smack people in the face with how strong you are." (14.98)

Oh, but they do have to do that, Tris. They do. Part of being in a faction means following the rules, and these rules seem to dictate the basic human behavior of everyone in the faction. Dauntless are expected to respond to everything with violence... and they do.

Quote #6

"You're more than Dauntless," [Tobias] says in a low voice. "But if you want to be just like them, hurling yourself into ridiculous situations for no reason and retaliating against your enemies without any regard for what's ethical, go right ahead. I thought you were better than that, but maybe I was wrong!" (17.138)

Tobias is trying to tell Tris that she's more than just the rules of her chosen faction. Dauntless are expected to rush headlong into dangerous situations, but does that mean all common sense has to stop? Is there room in this society to examine the whys behind the rules?