Mortality Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I don't know how I expected him to say [that his father was dead]—with relief, maybe, because Marcus, his father and the menace of his life, is finally gone. Or with pain and sadness, because his father might have been killed, and sometimes grief doesn't make much sense. But he says it like it's just a fact, like the direction we're moving or the time of day. (7.156)

Tris is strangely critical of how Tobias chooses to mourn (or not mourn) his father's presumed death. She seems to forget that just seven chapters ago she had no reaction at all to her own parents dying… and she actually liked them.

Quote #5

Deep inside me I know the answer: I am being reckless. I will probably gain nothing. I will probably die. And more disturbing still: I don't really care. (15.30-15.31)

By this point, Tris has pretty much accepted her own mortality… and is doing all she can do to accelerate it. Is she fearless or just recklessly suicidal?

Quote #6

We live in a dangerous world, and I am not so attached to life that I will do anything to survive. (25.53)

Is Tris's lack of regard for life typical for someone who lives in a war zone, like she does? Or is she a little more reckless regarding death than your average person?