Guilt Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was willing to die rather than kill Tobias, but the thought never occurred to me when it came to Will. I decided to kill Will in a fraction of a second. (12.156)

Ah, here we see an even deeper reason for Tris's guilt. She feels guilty that she didn't love Will enough to save him. She feels guilty that she only saves boys she's romantically attracted to. Yeah, well, maybe that is something to feel kind of guilty about. Unless you're her boyfriend, you do not want your life to be in this girl's hands.

Quote #8

I am tired of being Tris. I have done bad things. I can't take them back, and they are part of who I am. Most of the time, they seem like the only thing I am. (13.26)

When Tris is unable to focus on anything other than her extreme guilt, she becomes suicidal. This even happens after she confesses the truth to everyone. Is there anything she can do to overcome these terrible feelings?

Quote #9

I see a flicker of movement in the mirror, and before I can stop myself, I stare at my reflection. This is how I looked to him, I think. This is how I looked when I shot [Will]. (21.5)

Tris cannot pick up a gun without feeling guilty for shooting Will. She definitely realizes that guns don't kill people… she kills people. Trying to rationalize to herself that it was something she had to do is really difficult.