Fear Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It's like [Christina's] eyes swell to fill their sockets; that's how big they get. I have trouble identifying her expression. Is it shock? Fear? Awe? (12.46-12.47)

The mere existence of the Divergent strikes fear into a lot of people. However, the Divergent are mostly feared because they're not understood. It's too bad that the only person who seems to be trying to understand the Divergent, Jeanine, is killed before the end of the book.

Quote #5

"Distraction. You're so busy worrying about the Divergent—like my mom—that you forget to worry about what the leaders are doing. It's just a different kind of mind control." (14.40)

Fear is a tactic skillfully employed by certain leaders, especially corrupt ones. A good way for a government to control its populace isn't to make people fear the government… but to make them fear something else. Then they trust the government to keep them safe.

Quote #6

"So is he still in your fear landscape?" I say. […] "Yes. But not in the same way." (25.50)

The Dauntless are unique in that they force people to run through simulations of their biggest fears. Do you think this actually causes more fears instead of helping alleviate them? Or is this a good method for overcoming fears?