Choice Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

By the time the fight dies down, my clothes are more paint-colored than black. I decide to keep the shirt to remind me why I chose Dauntless in the first place: not because they are perfect, but because they are alive. Because they are free. (24.56)

It's easy to forget that Tris has a choice when it comes to her faction. What does it say about her that she pretty much chooses to be alive? Would she be more suicidal if she chose a different faction, or less?

Quote #8

As Marlene and the other Dauntless girl step off the edge of the roof, I dive at Hector. (26.31)

Sometimes Tris has to make some difficult choices in an instant. This is literally a life-or-death decision she has to make. One person will live, and two will die. Why does Tris choose Hector over Marlene and no-name?

Quote #9

All I can do is decide if I trust Marcus or not. (38.3)

Near the end of the novel, we're brought back to this: will Tris choose her boyfriend (who, by the way, just said "I love you"), or will she choose her boyfriend's father, who might just be a dirty liar? This choice sets the final events of the book into motion, and even sets us up for the finale of the trilogy. It's not a small decision.