Lies and Deceit Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I didn't believe [Rosalind]. The lie was transparent—something that size, someone would have mentioned it during the door-to-door—and it went straight to my heart […] because I recognized it. (9.250)

Rob believes Rosalind is lying when she says that an orchestra performed one of her sonatas. She is lying, and this is one of the only times Rob notices, because he, too, is the type of person to overinflate his accomplishments. He did it with Cassie when they first met.

Quote #8

"Yeah," [Sam] said after a moment. "It was." His breathing was fast and shallow. (18.38)

Sam almost goes into shock when he finds out that his uncle isn't the honest man he thought he was. Yes, it's a little naïve of Sam to think his politician uncle is honest, but for someone as earnest as Sam, this discovery shakes his belief system.

Quote #9

"No conscience, no empathy, pathological liar, manipulative, charming, intuitive, attention-seeking, easily bored, narcissistic, turns very nasty when she's thwarted in any way…" (23.183)

Cassie is describing Rosalind here, but she might as well be describing Rob, although he isn't as nefarious as Rosalind is. After all, he rarely empathizes with others, he tells us he's a liar, he's charming, he wants attention, he always talks about himself, and as soon as he sleeps with Cassie, he turns very nasty.