In Memoriam A.H.H. Resources


Academy of American Poets Tennyson Site

Dig this brief overview of Tennyson's life.

Victorian Tennyson

Dive deep into Tennyson's life, as detailed by the fabulous Victorian Web.


The Circle of the Hills

Check out this nifty one-hour documentary that profiles our favorite Poet Laureate.

Richardson Strikes a Pose

Okay, so this is a slightly-hilarious video of Scottish actor Ian Richardson reading parts of In Memoriam in various poses.


Cambridge University Readings

Listen to these English professors get their Tennyson on with some readings from In Memoriam.

Librivox Version

The great folks at Librivox recorded the whole thing for your ears.


Cover Art

Here's an inside cover of an early edition of In Memoriam.

Beardy Art

This inside cover features our beardy poet.

Tennyson, the Man

The hat and hipster beard really give him that certain something.

Articles and Interviews

The Tennyson Museum Opens

In 2009, an exhibition devoted to Tennyson opened in his previous home of the Isle of Wight. Get the lowdown here.

"New Ways to Think About Grief"

So you want to know which stage of grief Tennyson's in at any given point of the poem? This Time magazine article is a good start, as it offers some new thoughts on the subject.


The Norton Anthology of English Literature

This is one of the go-to standard versions of the poem that is taught, although in excerpted form.

In Memoriam, Norton Critical Edition

For those of us who like the entire text—complete with historical, cultural, and literary contexts as well as a nice side dish of criticism (mmm…criticism)—there's the Norton Critical Edition.