In Cold Blood Plans and Dreams Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[Dick] had reached a decision that he was certain would eradicate his current difficulties and start him on a new road, with a new rainbow in view. The decision involved impersonating a police officer. […] He'd already selected the officer's rank and name; the latter borrowed from a former acquaintance […]. As Captain Tracey Hand, smartly clothed in a made-to-order uniform, Dick intended to "crawl the strip" […] By writing worthless checks right around the clock, he expected to haul in three, maybe four thousand dollars within a twenty-four hour period. (3.262)

Add "doesn't learn from experience" to Dick's list of problems. At least he's a very consistent character. As Capote describes it, it was this plan that Dick was pondering seconds before the police pulled up to their car in Las Vegas. All the failed plans of the last six weeks didn't change his M.O. one iota—unlike Perry, who seemed to see the end of the line in sight.