Mortality Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Grave sounds bad. Grave is where you go when things don't work out here. (5.4)

The nurses wouldn't say the word "grave" if they knew Mia could hear them. It's another reminder to Mia of how fragile she is, and how fragile life is in general.

Quote #5

"Please don't die. I can understand why you'd want to, but think about this: If you die, there's going to be one of those cheesy Princess Diana memorials at school, where everyone puts flowers and candles and notes next to your locker. […] I know you'd hate that kind of thing." (7.21)

The sentiment behind Kim's line is repeated later, when Mia's parents talk about how you can't control your own funeral. Mia would hate this, and to her, it's very important to go out on her own terms.

Quote #6

My parents aren't here. They are not holding my hand, or cheering me on. (9.11)

This book doesn't have a spiritual view of the afterlife. There is no glowing light, or angelic parents keeping her safe. When you're dead, you're dead and gone, at least as far as we can tell. Or perhaps the issue is that because Mia's not yet dead, she isn't able to see over to the other side.