Love Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As I walked him out to his car, I wanted to tell him that I loved him. But it seemed like such a cliché after what we'd just done. So I waited and told him the next day. (6.51)

Why does Mia wait to tell him? Does it matter when you say you love someone? And what makes Mia actually realize that she loves Adam?

Quote #5

"You talk to her. You tell her to take all the time she needs, but to come on back. You're waiting for her." (8.28)

If I Stay has a fairy-tale quality to it, with Mia as a Sleeping Beauty and Adam as a Prince Charming who loves her. By waiting at her bedside, he can bring her back. What is it about love that makes this kind of thing possible?

Quote #6

I decided that not only would I go to his show, but for once I'd make as much of an effort to understand his world as he did mine. (9.47)

Mia does something she wouldn't normally do because she loves Adam, even though he never asked her to. She's not doing it just to please him; she also seems to want to understand him better as a person. Or maybe she's doing it just to please him. Hard to tell.