Identity Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Mom] didn't care that people called her a b****. "It's just another word for feminist," she told me with pride. (7.30)

Mom is very confident in her rocker-chick persona, and she hopes it will rub off on her daughter. Does Mia actually take after her mother, despite the fact that she doesn't think she does?

Quote #5

"People believe what they want to believe." (7.39)

Kim is talking about her own and Mia's reputations as goody-goodies. They've cultivated that image, and they can take advantage of it to skip school whenever they want. So what are they actually, underneath those goody-goody personas?

Quote #6

She must have to work hard to keep her nails so pretty. I admire that. (8.27)

That's what you want in a nurse—a good manicure. Maybe we're supposed to think that because the nurse has good nails, it means that she's very clean and healthy and fastidious in general.