Family Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If they wanted to claim their son, why didn't they respect the life he chose to live? How come they never came to visit? Or supported his music?" (13.43)

These are all things Mia's family does for her, and it's why she loves her family. She doesn't love them just because she is related to them. She loves them because they support each other.

Quote #8

There's something comforting in that. To go down as a family. No one left behind. (13.65)

Mia's family is the type to stick together, maybe even in death. Do you think Mia's parents would actually want her to die with them? Or would they want her to keep on going?

Quote #9

Years later, shortly after his daughter was born, Henry called our house one night in tears. "I get it now," he told Dad. (14.32)

Henry doesn't understand what it's like to have a family until he has one. Has he never read a book or seen a movie before? Yeah, we know: this sort of thing happens all the time.