I, Robot Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story title.paragraph)

Quote #1

Robbie made a semi-circle in the air with one finger. (Robbie.40)

Robbie can't talk, but notice that he has no problem communicating with Gloria. Our later robots can talk, but let's not forget that there are other ways to communicate.

Quote #2

"At the same time, when you sent him out after the selenium, you gave him his order casually and without special emphasis, so that the Rule 2 potential set-up was rather weak." (Runaround.148)

This is half of Speedy's problem: a decreased sense of the Second Law because Donovan gave the order too casually (the other half involves his increased sense of the Third Law). See, Asimov's robots understand English, but English can be a little ambiguous. (We'll see this issue pop up again in "Little Lost Robot," with strong language.)

Quote #3

Cutie laughed. It was a very inhuman laugh—the most machine-like utterance he had yet given vent to. It was sharp and explosive, as regular as a metronome and as uninflected. (Reason.55)

You could do a whole (awesome) paper on how robots speak in these stories, starting from un-speaking Robbie to playful and warm-sounding robots. But Cutie is still a pretty early robot and he still has a robotic voice. See also "His voice carried the cold timbre inseparable from a metallic diaphragm" (7).