I, Robot Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story title.paragraph)

Quote #1

"There was a time when humanity faced the universe alone and without a friend. Now he has creatures to help him; stronger creatures than himself, more faithful, more useful, and absolutely devoted to him. Mankind is no longer alone." (Introduction.30)

Would you say that the robots in these stories are our friends? Notice that Calvin first implies that robots are our friends by saying that there was a time when we were "without a friend"—but she doesn't reuse the word "friend." Certainly robots are helpful and faithful, but is that enough to make a friend?

Quote #2

"He was a person just like you and me and he was my friend." (Robbie.119)

Well, we might hesitate to call robots our friend, but Gloria doesn't hesitate to call Robbie both a friend and a person. Notice that Asimov puts this line into the mouth of a child, so we might dismiss her claim. But at the same time, we saw them play, and Robbie does really seem like a friend.

Quote #3

Of course, the damn fool had worked out the cube of fourteen in advance, and on purpose. Just like him. (Runaround.212)

What kills us about this quote is not just that Powell is willing to risk his life to save his friend's life or that Donovan is willing to risk his life to save his friend's. What gets us is that final "just like him"—which is clearly Donovan's thought and a reminder that they are friends who have spent a lot of time together and know each other's personalities.