Race Quotes in I Know This Much is True

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I trusted no one else, especially not shifty dark-skinned Indians whose idleness stole money from my pocket! (33.20)

What about light-skinned Indians? Would Domenico trust them? Ugh.

Quote #8

The victim looked up at me from the front page of the wet, limp, Daily Record. He was black, of course; it was always a black man. He had a name now—Rodney King—and a battered, lopsided face, a slit for an eye. (38.7)

We're not sure why Rodney King gets name dropped here, aside from a little historical context and the general over-arching theme of oppression. Does Dominick identify with Rodney King in any way?

Quote #9

That thieving Jew charged my thirty-five cents a pound! (41.195)

Domenico sounds a bit like Ray here, referring to someone's race when it's hardly relevant to the issue at hand.