Men and Masculinity Quotes in I Know This Much is True

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My supervisor is Dr. Barry Farber." "And where's he at?" "Dr. Farber's at a conference in Florida. She's delivering a speech there. […] Funny thing about professional women these days, isn't it? The world is crawling with them." (9.127)

Dominick naturally assumes that Dr. Barry Farber is a man, and Sheffer turns that around on him as though he's chauvinistic for assuming that. This may be true, but we might have done the same thing—her name is Barry, which is most commonly a male nickname.

Quote #5

"What is it with you guys and the 'L' word, anyway?" (9.205)

No, not the Showtime show, but LUV. Dominick, as a big macho manly man, has a hard time saying I love you to his brother, and Lisa Sheffer gives him guff for it. She's a good guff giver.

Quote #6

Thomas wanted to bury [the squirrel] and have a funeral, but Ray told him to stop the sissy stuff. (10.2)

For Ray, any sort of compassion, whether it be for human or animal, is feminine, which thereby means it makes a man less of a man to express these feelings.