Guilt and Blame Quotes in I Know This Much is True

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's the second time you've used that word today."

"What word? 'Guilty'?"

"'Sin.'" (22.322-22.325)

Not only does Dominick have issues with guilt and shame, but he has issues with religion, too. He thinks God is out to get him, so his guilt must be the result of his sins, right? Actually, now that we think about it, sin is a concept that seems driven by guilt—you know, confess your sins to absolve yourself of guilt, that type of thing.

Quote #8

That was the irony of it, the bitter pill I've swallowed my whole life since: that I was the guilty one, the one who deserved Ray's wrath. (26.91)

Dominick needs to realize that neither he nor Thomas deserved Ray's wrath. The only person who should feel guilty in this situation is Ray.

Quote #9

"Don't drive yourself nuts with the ifs." (30.283)

Dominick says this to comfort someone else, but we think that he needs to listen to his own advice. He's a master at playing out alternate scenarios in his head, driving himself into a guilty shame spiral.