Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in I Know This Much is True

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It disarmed me—Ray's verbalizing his struggle over what Thomas had done. (26.55)

Dominick is usually too busy being angry with Ray to try to understand him, but just as Dominick struggles with how he treated Thomas over the years, Ray does the same thing. He just internalizes it more.

Quote #8

The key to peace within my soul, he said, was to cast aside my bitterness and resentment. (41.161)

Rage runs in the family. This is advice given to Dominick's grandfather by a priest, and although Domenico was never able to let go of all this anger, Dominick, by reading his grandfather's memoir, learns how important it is and tries to do it himself.

Quote #9

It felt weird that first time—unnatural—lathering him up, holding him by the chin and scraping the stubble off his neck, his slack cheeks. (46.146)

The shaving scene marks the moment when Dominick really forgives Ray. If he had needed to shave Ray as a teenager, he probably would have slit the man's throat with the blade.