I felt a Funeral, in my Brain Resources


Two Dickinson Letters
A reading of two of Dickinson's letters to her literary mentor, Thomas Wentworth Higginson.


Dickinson Lyric Poems

A male speaker reads a selection of poems, including "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain."

Emily Dickinson Video Game

"Video game designers at a recent conference were given the challenge of developing a game about the poet Emily Dickinson. We hear about some of the games they came up with."

Emily Dickinson and Modernism

A famous (for a poet) American poet named Rae Armantrout gives a talk about Dickinson.


Dickinson' House
A photo of Emily Dickinson's house in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is now a museum.

Historical Documents

Emily Dickinson's Letters
This site doesn't actually print all of Dickinson's thousands of letters. Instead, it prints an article by Dickinson's friend and literary mentor, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, discussing her letters.


The Life of Emily Dickinson

If you wanted to know everything in the world about Emily Dickinson, this would be the place to turn. The best biography of Dickinson out there.

Emily Dickinson: Selected Letters

Dickinson's letters are amazing, and some of them are harder to figure out than a Sunday Sudoku puzzle. Check out the letters addressed to some unknown person whom she calls her "Master."


Modern American Poetry

A page devoted to the poem that includes a copy of the original manuscript and excerpts of criticism by scholars.

Neurotic Poets

Is Dickinson a "neurotic poet"? We don't like when people explain away genius as some kind of mental eccentricity, but it's an interesting site nonetheless.

Dickinson Biography

Two brief but very useful biographies of the poet.

Dickinson Electronic Archive

This site has promise but is a little hard to navigate. But once you look around, you'll great find links to Dickinson's letters, writings by her family members, and articles by professor-types.