Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Full Text: Chapter 26

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Full Text: Chapter 26 : Page 6

"Why, how you talk!" says the king.  "We sha'n't rob 'em of nothing at all but jest this money.  The people that _buys_ the property is the suff'rers; because as soon 's it's found out 'at we didn't own it—which won't be long after we've slid—the sale won't be valid, and it 'll all go back to the estate.  These yer orphans 'll git their house back agin, and that's enough for _them_; they're young and spry, and k'n easy earn a livin'.  _they_ ain't a-goin to suffer.  Why, jest think—there's thous'n's and thous'n's that ain't nigh so well off.  Bless you, _they_ ain't got noth'n' to complain of."

Well, the king he talked him blind; so at last he give in, and said all right, but said he believed it was blamed foolishness to stay, and that doctor hanging over them.  But the king says:

"Cuss the doctor!  What do we k'yer for _him_?  Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side?  And ain't that a big enough majority in any town?"

So they got ready to go down stairs again.  The duke says:

"I don't think we put that money in a good place."

That cheered me up.  I'd begun to think I warn't going to get a hint of no kind to help me.  The king says:


"Because Mary Jane 'll be in mourning from this out; and first you know the n***** that does up the rooms will get an order to box these duds up and put 'em away; and do you reckon a n***** can run across money and not borrow some of it?"

"Your head's level agin, duke," says the king; and he comes a-fumbling under the curtain two or three foot from where I was.  I stuck tight to the wall and kept mighty still, though quivery; and I wondered what them fellows would say to me if they catched me; and I tried to think what I'd better do if they did catch me.  But the king he got the bag before I could think more than about a half a thought, and he never suspicioned I was around.  They took and shoved the bag through a rip in the straw tick that was under the feather-bed, and crammed it in a foot or two amongst the straw and said it was all right now, because a n***** only makes up the feather-bed, and don't turn over the straw tick only about twice a year, and so it warn't in no danger of getting stole now.

Read Shmoop's Analysis of Chapter 26