The House of the Spirits Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Word spread that the President had died, and no one believed the official version that he had committed suicide. (13.38)

It's interesting that Allende never explicitly tells us how the President dies, but only suggests that the "official version" of events is suspect.

Quote #11

Thus the months went by, and it became clear to everyone, even Senator Trueba, that the military had seized power to keep it for themselves and not to hand the country over to the politicians of the right who had made the coup possible. (13.87)

This is the first indication we get that Esteban Trueba and other conservatives are beginning to realize that their party made a big mistake by agreeing to suspend democracy in order to depose the Socialists. Politics are now totally out of the picture – the military is in control, and they don't seem to intend to relinquish the power they've acquired.