The House of the Spirits Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm not going to spend my life in the Red Lantern," she had said. "I'm going to the capital, because I want to be rich and famous." (2.81)

Tránsito Soto possesses the same determined resolve and unbridled ambition as Esteban Trueba. And she doesn't let the fact that she's a woman get in the way of her becoming rich.

Quote #5

"Can't you see how far I've come? I'm the best now. If I put my mind to it, I could have the best house in the country. I guarantee you." (4.45)

Just like Esteban Trueba, when Tránsito Soto puts her mind to something, she succeeds.

Quote #6

At the age of ten he already knew as much as his teacher in the school of Tres Marías, and at twelve he insisted on making the trip into town to attend the high school there. Rain or shine, he would leave his small brick house at five o'clock in the morning, by horse or on foot. (5.44)

Pedro Tercero is the first of the peasant farmers on Esteban Trueba's land to resolve to get an education. His education marks him as different from the rest of his social peers.