The House of the Spirits Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Only his grandmother had paid him any attention, and she never let him forget that he was different from the others because the patrón's blood ran in his veins. (9.64)

While Esteban Trueba may forget about Pancha García, she clearly never forgets about him, his cruel treatment towards her, or the way he neglects their son. The hatred she feels for the patrón is one thing that she passes down to their grandson.

Quote #11

My mission is […] simply to fill these pages while I wait for Miguel, while I bury my grandfather, whose body lies beside me in this room, while I wait for better times to come, while I carry this child in my womb, the daughter of so many rapes or perhaps of Miguel, but above all, my own daughter. (Epilogue.45)

Unlike Pancha, who raises her descendents on stories about the injustice she suffered and stokes their desire for vengeance, Alba decides to forgive the men who tortured and raped her. When we realize that she, too, bears a child who may be the product of rape, it becomes clear why such forgiveness is necessary – to break the "terrible chain" of vengeance and liberate her descendents from an endless cycle of violence.