Holes Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A lot of people don't believe in curses.

A lot of people don't believe in yellow-spotted lizards either, but if one bites you, it doesn't make a difference whether you believe in it or not. (8.1-2)

This one messes with our minds a little. Just think about it.

Quote #8

"I should have just kept them," said Zero. "I'd already made it out of the shelter and everything. I ended up getting arrested the next day when I tried to walk out of a shoe store with a new pair of sneakers. If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now." (41.27)

Ah, the fickle finger of fate. Zero regrets giving up Clyde Livingston's sneakers, since it didn't help him stay out of trouble. But to the reader, Zero's decision to dump the shoes seems necessary and right, since it brought him and Stanley together to become friends. So sweet.

Quote #9

[Stanley] remembered what Zero had said a few days before. If Zero had just kept those shoes, then neither of them would be here right now.

As Stanley stared at the glittering night sky, he thought there was no place he would rather be. He was glad Zero put the shoes on the parked car. He was glad they fell from the overpass and hit him on the head.

When the shoes first fell from the sky, he remembered thinking that destiny had struck him. Now, he thought so again. It was more than a coincidence. It had to be destiny. (42.26-28)

Stanley often feels like the events of his life are being controlled by outside forces. But this is the first time (other than his very brief thoughts about "destiny's shoes" right before he gets arrested) that he sees the workings of fate as a good thing. What's different about his situation now that makes him want to see fate as a generous, beneficial force, instead of just something that holds him back?