Voting Rights Act: Civil Rights Act, 1964

    Voting Rights Act: Civil Rights Act, 1964

      As long as we've got you in a legislative mood, check out Johnson's 1964 civil rights legislation.

      While a voting rights section rides along the beginning of this legal document as well, most of this law's provisions aim more squarely at striking down Jim Crow laws in the private sector; looking to demolish the notion of "separate but equal" spaces for both customers and employees alike. That means good riddance to heinous stuff like separate drinking fountains, swimming pools, lunch counters—you name it.

      While it's easy to look at each individual act in the Civil Rights legal suite individually, each one's linked fundamentally in their approach to sweeping change in the year 1964. Yeah: 1964 was a good year for changing some of the nastiness happening in America.