Voting Rights Act Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Voting Rights Act? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What doesn't count as a "test or device," according to Sec. 4c?

Demonstrate the ability to read or write
Demonstrate physical fitness
Demonstrate subject matter knowledge
Proving that people similar to the voter can also vote
Q. Schools in Puerto Rico are referred to in this act as

Constitutional Schools
American-territory schools
Island schools
American-flag schools
Q. Section 11 deals mostly with what aspect of the bill?

Preventing poll taxes
Preventing others from denying people their right to vote
Preventing literacy tests
Preventing voting
Q. No voter can be denied the right to vote if they've achieved a what-grade education level?

Q. What does an examiner give to each person who makes it onto the allowed-to-vote list?

A date for a court hearing
Financial compensation
A sandwich
A certificate