Proclamation Regarding Nullification: Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dishonored and scorned while you live, as the authors of the first attack on the Constitution of your country!—its destroyers you cannot be. (37)

Let's just call it patriot-shaming.

Quote #5

And then add, if you can, without horror and remorse, this happy Union we will dissolve—this picture of peace and prosperity we will deface—this free intercourse we will interrupt—these fertile fields we will deluge with blood—the protection of that glorious flag we renounce—the very name of Americans we discard. (37)

True enough, South Carolina fought with patriotic gusto in the Revolutionary War. As he nears the end of his Proclamation, he dares them to imagine the destruction of that ideal nation and realize they'd only have themselves to blame.