Miranda v. Arizona: Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph) or (Section.Subsection.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The financial ability of the individual has no relationship to the scope of the rights involved here. The privilege against self-incrimination secured by the Constitution applies to all individuals. (Opinion.III.14)

Is it right to let some people have more protections than others just because they have more money? During deliberations, Justice Hugo Black had said, "He [an indigent defendant] is certainly not going to get treated like a man that has the money to get a lawyer," (source). That's a major moral judgment right there. Miranda levels the ethical playing field.

Quote #5

[…] the Court is taking a real risk with society's welfare in imposing its new regime on the country. The social costs of crime are too great to call the new rules anything but a hazardous experimentation. (HarlanDissent.III.6)

Observant Shmoopers will notice that the dissenting judges love to use colorful language to help make their points. Harlan calls the Miranda Warning a "new regime" as though the government is acting very authoritarian in this decision (is he right?). Harlan sees a serious ethical problem with exposing the people to criminals who might otherwise have been in jail. He's got a very different idea from the majority opinion about what's really the "greater good."