Miranda v. Arizona: Interpretation of Law Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph) or (Section.Subsection.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I believe the decision of the Court represents poor constitutional law and entails harmful consequences for the country at large. (HarlanDissent.I.2)

By saying "the country at large" Harlan emphasizes that this new ruling affects everybody, not just people in custody. He thinks that it's a danger to society not to give the police reasonable power to interrogate a suspect. Criminals will go free and there will be chaos in the streets. Harlan is asking for a little compassion for future potential victims of the bad guys.

Quote #5

This Court is forever adding new stories to the temples of constitutional law, and the temples have a way of collapsing when one story too many is added. (HarlanDissent.IV.5)

Harlan's never at a loss for metaphor. He clearly thinks this ruling is an unnecessary addition to rights that currently exist and are working just fine.