A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

In our society, women have lived, and have been despised for living, the whole side of life that includes and takes responsibility for helplessness, weakness, and illness, for the irrational and the irreparable, for all that is obscure, passive, uncontrolled, animal, unclean – the valley of the shadow, the deep, the depths of life. (56)

That's a rather poetic way of saying that women feel all the feels. What makes that a bad thing? Why would men despise women for living that side of life?

Quote #5

All that the Warrior denies and refuses is left to us and the men who share it with us and therefore, like us, can't play doctor, only nurse, can't be warriors, only civilians, can't be chiefs, only Indians. (57)

Do you think this is still true? Are some careers—especially those imbued with power—unofficially off-limits to women? What effect do you think this has, for both men and women? Or, are women drawn to those jobs because they're better suited to their nature?