Hope, Despair and Memory: Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph, Sentence)

Quote #4

Indeed if memory helps us to survive, forgetting allows us to go on living. How could we go on with our daily lives, if we remained constantly aware of the dangers and ghosts surrounding us? (14, 3-4)

Being able to forget a traumatic experience, even if only in the present, is a powerful coping mechanism. It can be so powerful that it can cause people to repress memories entirely.

Quote #5

And then too, the people around us refused to listen; and even those who listened refused to believe; and even those who believed could not comprehend. Of course they could not. Nobody could. The experience of the camps defies comprehension. (22, 1-4)

One of these groups of people, of course, is Holocaust deniers. People who deny the Holocaust ever happened either a) are horribly Anti-Semitic or b) unable to comprehend that humanity is capable of doing something so terrible, or even that Western civilization can do something so terrible, despite ample evidence to the contrary.